
Rite Relinquishment

Sweden’s first Farewell Bureau, Ars Moriendi, aims to play a role in society’s ongoing transformation by facilitating and arranging dignified, personal farewells to artifacts and systems that have outlived their purpose.

The Farewell Bureau explores how tailored rites can help both individuals and institutions break their co-dependence with dysfunctional structures and contexts.

Since 2022, the bureau has gained significant experience. One striking realization is that the entrenchment in the institutionalized structures that define our late-modern society is far more extensive than we initially thought.

We have also come to see the need for a broader perspective. Out of this need, the Rite Agency has emerged.

Including Ars Moriendi’s ongoing exploration within the broader framework of the Rite Agency is therefore a natural step, and the Farewell Bureau is now part of the Rite cluster of investigative processes.

For more information about the Farewell Bureau, please visit >


De dödas skog

De dödas skog ligger mitt emellan levande människors skog. Här har inga levande kunna ta

Den första vilan

Upplev skillnaden… Modernitetens utveckling, fram till och med industrisamhället, byggde på och gav utrymme för