RITE joining the 1 percent
RITE går nu in i ett samarbete med forskare på Lund School of Economics and
That economics is now regarded as a science, makes it all the more difficult to discern what lurks behind what appears to be.
What is clear, however, is that the economic order governing our society today seems to be driving us all toward the abyss, carried by a tidal wave of credit, granted in exchange for business as usual.
For that reason Rite Economy turns its focus to the myths, rites, and rituals that, in our time, regulate the creation of money itself.
We also intend to explore how alternative rites within the realm of economics might reshape collective perceptions of what is deemed economically valuable.
That is, to appropriate the performativity of money-making itself in order to to rewrite its terms.
RITE går nu in i ett samarbete med forskare på Lund School of Economics and
De dödas skog ligger mitt emellan levande människors skog. Här har inga levande kunna ta
Vi hör och ser hur institutionella verksamheter täcker upp för samhällets ökande brist på tillit
Hedlandet ligger i Torna Hällestad strax utanför Lund i Skåne. Granne med Kaninlandet – ett