It has become almost forbidden to not know. All that is vague, uncertain, shifting or immeasurable is no longer desirable. Even frightening to many.
Yet, it is precisely in that realm that possibilities we never knew existed may be waiting for us.
Rite develops new rites. Ones that can help you – and others – take that first crucial step.
Today, many of us feel the need to pause, and to approach societal change with greater care and a more reflective mindset.
A longing has emerged – to acknowledge and embrace loss, grief, and dignity. To accept the finitude that makes life truly alive. And not only biological life, but also the artificial lifeforms of the human-made world.
At the same time, our accelerating societal machine seems incapable of doing anything but perpetuating itself – rushing ever “forward” toward looming ecological, economic, political, and humanitarian crises. And trapped within this machine, can we even imagine an alternative? The very question only tightens the enclosure.
At Rite, we consider the age of mere ideas to be over.
So we simply step outside.
You’re welcome to join us.