Rite Research

Our R&D focuses on the capacity of rites and rituals to move us and make things tangible.

We also explore how new rites can be introduced into different contexts in society – opening up new spaces for thought, interruptions, escape routes, and possibilities for action.

Rite Development involves both uncovering and revealing rites and rituals so deeply embedded in institutions and everyday life that they have become invisible to most of us. Our goal is to understand how these habitual patterns exert their influence from behind the scene.

At the same time, we design and test entirely new rites and rituals that can spark moments of insight, disrupt, challenge the grip of habit on both individuals and structures and create space for renegotiating the unspoken demands and expectations that shape society.

Jan Cardell: “Cheerleading Machine”, 2009


Den mörka korridoren

I somliga tider uppstår mörka korridorer. Det sker när möjligheten att tänka framtiden eller upprätthålla

Rite Commoning

Rite Commoning sysslar med ritualer kring gemensamhetsblivande och omsorgsskapande. Efter nationalstatens reglerande som ett slags

Den vita flaggan

RITE har sedan några månader deltagit i olika studier och samlats till samtal kring idén